Saturday, 29 March 2014

The Daily Holiday Schedule

It’s about a week gone,
For I had my holidays own,
Now the time isn’t too far,
For being school-prone.

The first thing to surf on net;
The day being started at early five,
Of course, there are other things to let;
More importance in life.

Then, there being time to go playing;
Singing and behaving like have gotten wings;
It’s always more pleasuring to play football,
In relaxing, fresh morning of spring.

Don’t using to go playing so far;
Still coming late by an hour;
For me parents eagerly wait;
Mom being furious on my coming late.

Then brushing, bathing;
And doing other necessities;
That would perhaps usually be late;
In areas like towns and cities.

After breakfast,
It’s time to read pages of bestsellers; vast,
Of Bharat, Carnegie and Rowling;
The teachings of these would long last.

After a long gap,
From night to afternoon,
My body should tired soon;
So, used to be need of a long nap.

After working,
There’s nothing much to do something;
The time being perfect to write poems;
I have topics if almost everything.

Then, the evening going in its rhythm;
My day always ended after nine;
Hoping the next one to be too fine;
It didn’t notice when had slipped time.