Sunday, 2 December 2012


Once when I was sleeping,
And was watching wonderful dreams,
I heard a loud scream
I awoke and saw a women was weeping
             She was sad, unhappy and in grief
             It’s all because of a cunning thief
             He stole her house and everything
             So she weeps
I told her not to be sad
Have faith in god and don’t be mad.
Everything will be fine
And there’s nothing mine.

            Be happy, cheerful and calm
            It will act as a balm.
            Then I went for my sleep
            And forgot all about her weeps.
To watch the dreams of fairies;
God will do on her, his mercies.
When I woke up, it was glad to see
The woman was laughing ‘hi-hi-hi’
          God has given her everything back
          Because of my yesterday’s nap
          She thanked to me and cheer
          I couldn’t believe what I hear

                              --- Shivam Jha                                   VIII A                                   Vivekanand International Sr. Sec. School, I.P. Extn.  New Delhi-110091 

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